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$1 Choosing (18 rhymes) spoons.

$1 Choosing (18 rhymes) spoons.


You get small and large oval images to attach to a wooden spoon with velcro. There are 18 rhymes /songs. A child selects an oval (from a bag or bowl) and attaches it to the spoon and the rhyme is said or sung and then another is selected and the oval is replaced.



Rhymes and songs:


Wind the bobbin up 

Hickory dickory doc

This little piggy

Incey wincey spider

Miss Polly had a dolly

I’m a little teapot

The ants go marching

The wheels on the bus  

Baa, baa white sheep

Twinkle, twinkle little star   

Row, row , row your boat

A sailor went to sea, sea, sea    

Down by the station  

Head, shoulders, knees and toes

Dingle, dangle scarecrow 

Old MacDonald

Hickory dickory dock

Rolly Poly

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